301 Redirect To Self-Hosted

  • I paid for the domain mapping feature but it only seems to do a 302 redirect. After many months, Google still is showing the railsnotes.wordpress.com url. How do I get a 301 redirect?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • WordPress.COM does not do 301 redirects.

  • On your blog here, go to settings > privacy and set it to block search engines. That will start weaning the search engines away from the old URL’s and to the new ones.

  • Okay thanks thesacredpath. That seems weird. If I’m paying for a different url, they should 301 it, not 302. It’s a big waste of all the links I had attracted to my wordpress site.

    Anyway, I’ll do the railsnotes.wordpress.com thing and hopefully Google will be able to see what the deal is.

  • The reason I suspect that they do not do 301’s is that 301’s are permanent, and if you don’t pay to re-up the domain mapping then it isn’t really permanent – unless you would then delete the old blog completely, block search engines, or take it private. Really, after doing the redirect trick, that is what should be done anyway so that search engines can’t stumble onto it.

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