A question about privacy and multiple blogs.

  • Hi,

    I have a blog on which I have been blogging for quite a while. This blog shows my nickname etc.

    I would like to create another blog which hides any proof that I am the author. Of course, I could create a new wordpress.com user, but that would be too painful — as I would have to keep logging-on and off to blog on each one.

    If I go to, http://newblog.wordpress.com/wp-admin/profile.php, I can edit my nickname, but then my nickame on my oldblog changes too :-( . I want to retain my public identity on my old blog.

    Is there any solution to this? Will I be able to create a new blog while being sure that nobody can figure out the author of the new blog?

  • You will absolutely have to have a new username for this, with a new gmail. And don’t even think of putting one on the blogroll of another; someone will figure it out sooner or later.

  • I have 3 usernames. It’s not that painful…

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