Blogger Import: Omit Feed Footer

  • Hi.

    I’m a blogger user who is considering migrating to WP, so I have been trying out the import feature and seeing what I can migrate from my blogger blog to the WP one. In my latest import, I’ve noticed something disconcerting: all of my recent posts have the feed footer from blogger added into the post body.

    Now, arguably, I could manually go through and remove this from each post, but with over 400 posts, it seems like a daunting task. Would there be a way to sort out the feed footer from the post body, and either a) not import it at all or b) offer an option (i.e. checkbox) on whether or not to include it? I think that most people don’t expect their feed footer to come through in their imported posts, but that might just be me.

    Thanks for your time.

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