Comment made by wordpress blogger flagged as spam

  • I know that if Askimet says something is spam, you should pay attention.

    However a comment made by another wordpress blogger has been flagged as spam. Why would that happen?

    Don’t want to disapprove comments that are benign, for obvious reasons. Nor do I want to hose my site.

    (Comment made on this post: Comment is still resting in the Spam folder at this time.)


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Akismet is all the time having to run to catch up with the spammers who are always changing tactics and sometimes innocents get caught. In approving them though, you always have to use your own judgement. I’ve gotten true spam from bloggers before. They sign up for an account, make a series of legitimate sounding comments to get you to approve them and then in comes the spam links and such.

    Don’t automatically assume that a comment coming from a wordpress blogger ISN’T spam. Review them just like you would any other comment that Akismet catches.

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