Commercial use of

  • I am a recording artist of long standing with my own little record lable. May I sell downloads of recordings of songs that I wrote, produced and performed and that belong to me? If so, may I use a paypal button? Again if so, How can the purchaser download a song from my wordpress blog? Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You’ll only be able to use the Paypal Donate button here; all other forms of ecommerce are stripped out. I suggest you do it via email, ie don’t host the files on your site at all but put a contact form and let them order via that or the Paypal button, and once you’ve recieved payment, then email them the file.

  • Hi there – is not set up for digital delivery of audio files.

    You might want to look at some of these PayPal-supported digital delivery solutions:

    You may be able to use one of those services in conjunction with as long as the code they provide for you to add to your site meets our requirements.

    Just let us know if you have further questions.

  • Thank you Kathrynwp, Thank you raincoaster.
    Here is a further question. kathrynwp, you say
    “You may be able to use one of those services in conjunction with as long as the code they provide for you to add to your site meets our requirements.”
    My question is,, Which of these services provides code that meets wordPress requirements?
    Thank you very much kathrynwp,, your help is very much appreciated.

  • itself won’t investigate the code those external services provide; that’s up to you. Click on the link she provided for details of the kinds of codes that are banned here.

  • Thank you raincoaster, I did follow that link and it led to a list of companies that provide digital download services.
    Kathrynwp then said “You may be able to use one of those services in conjunction with as long as the code they provide for you to add to your site meets our requirements.” and then she said “Just let us know if you have further questions.”

    My thought was that WordPress has likely had the experiance of dealing with one or more of these services and likely would know (based on that experiance) which ones provide code that meets their requirements.
    I didn’t mean to suggest that wordpress should do the research for me, but rather that (based on past experiance), the services that do and the services that don’t are already known to wordpress and kathrynwp might have that information available to her (and us all) at wordpress. Thanks again raincoaster and kathrynwp for your help it is much appreciated.

  • I’m not able to recommend a specific digital download service as this isn’t a common request and I don’t know offhand which services would work within our code parameters.

    If you find one that works well, feel free to report back here in case it helps others!

  • Thank you kathrynwp, Your help has been very much appreciated.

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