Dashboard loading is very slow using Firefox 3

  • Is it just for me or the Dashboard area is painfully slow?

    I run it on Firefox 3 at a Linux box and I can literally click on “Post”, go to the bathroom, grab a glass of water in the kitchen and come back in time to see the last stage of loading (sometimes not a full glass, but still).

    I have no past “Dashboard 2.7” experience as I started using WordPress less than a week ago but I had a sneak peek at my girlfriend’s and I don’t remember been this slow. Also, she told me that she indeed noticed a slow down.

    The frontend is actually ok with a normal loading. It is just the backstage area that is very slow.

  • I am running Firefox 3 on windows and it works fine for me. Just letting you know.

  • Thank you for your reply, dquartername.

    I just timed a “Post” action and caught a 1’01”.

    I asked my girlfriend to do such a thing and, although I didn’t times it, it went much more faster (maybe 5-10 seconds?).

    She is using it with Firefox 3.0.4 at Ubunut 8.04.

    I am using Firefox 3.0.4 at Ubuntu 8.10. So, it appears to be happening just here.

    Anyone out there with a Ubuntu 8.10 box could say if is this happening with you too?

  • I forgot to mention that a have the 64 bits version of Ubuntu.

  • If you have any addons in FF, try disabling them. I have in the past has adblockplus muck things up and slow things down. You might have to “whitelist” all of wordpress.COM.

  • More info.

    I tried with another computer with the same configuration (Firefox + Ubuntu) and it went ok.

    So, it appears to be definitely something here. Do you know what could it be?

    I erased my cache and cookies but it did no good in solving this problem.

  • Nice, thesacredpath!

    I disabled them all and everything started to work well. So, one by one, I enabled them trying to isolated the troublemaker. Now I have all of them – adblockplus included – enabled I the performance is nice. I was unable to locate the specific problem as disabling them all and then enabling them fixed the problem.

    Thank you very much. :-)

  • Unfortunately I stated “victory” too soon.

    After a while the agonizing performance went back.

    I will start investigating it trying to tweak “adblockplus” as advised by thesacredpath.

  • I restarted Firefox and the performance went ok again so, I think I cannot say that disabling and enabling the extensions has worked because each time I did that I did also a restart. So, restart was the real “solution”.

    I added my blog to the adblockplus whitelist. I will continue using it to see with anything will melt apart again.

  • As I said, I tried whitelisting my blog. No good. Same result.

    Then, I tried disabling the adblockplus all-together – Man! There’s a lot of ads in the web. No luck either.

    I am running out of ideas. My next shot would be delete the .mozilla directory (which is where the files about cookies, preferences and all are stored) but I really don’t wanna lose all of that (bookmarks, passwords…).


  • I don’t know if it could be a profile issue or not. Firefox keeps all your settings, bookmarks, etc., in a “profile.”


  • Do you by chance have the wordpress “snow” feature running? It can severely slow things down since it is very processor intensive.

  • Wait, forget the last, that doesn’t show up on the admin pages.

  • No, I disabled that feature (snow) as it puts my scrolling ability to its knees.

  • Well, I deleted my .mozilla directory and the problem persist.

  • Are you running it in https mode? That does slow things down. You could try using Gears to speed things up again (I have had limited success with this).

  • The “https mode” was indeed on. I turned it off but the slowdown continues.

    It bugs me that the performance is ok in the early moments of a fresh start of Firefox but, as the time passes by, it becomes unbearable.

    The dirty fix for this is restarting Firefox every time I want to access the administration area or, much more important as it is the slowest of the actions, post or edit something.

    One question: The administration area, and more important, the post and edit area, load any flash application?

  • diogofsr, have you solved the problem? I’ve noticed the same in the last few days. I am running Firefox 3.0.5 on Windows, but so I was before and everything was fine, even with the new Dashboard. The only FF addon I have is Oldbar.

  • Yeah, i disable Https but continue show this! :S

  • diogofsr, have you solved the problem? I’ve noticed the same in the last few days. I am running Firefox 3.0.5 on Windows, but so I was before and everything was fine, even with the new Dashboard. The only FF addon I have is Oldbar.

    Actually, I don’t know.

    I started using another computer, ISP and internet connection (ADSL to Mobile) about a month ago and, because I was frustrated by this problem, I didn’t access my blog so often.

    That being said, I do not experience this problem right now.

    I think that could be something related with the fact that in this computer I did not check the “https” function, as it do not show it in the address bar but, because so much variables have been changed, I cannot say for sure.

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