delete one blog, keep the other on same username

  • I’ve scoured the FAQs and forums and have yet to find this issue clearly resolved once and for all. If I missed it somewhere, then sorry. I have three blog URLs on one username, okay? I want to delete one of those blogs. When the email warning says to be sure I want to delete it because it will be gone forever, does that mean ALL THREE BLOGS ON THAT USERNAME will vanish or just the one blog URL that I wish to delete? Please don’t tell me that my only recourse is to go into the undesired blog and delete all the entries. WordPress HAS to be more sophisticated that that, right? I would assume. Thanks for any intelligent life on this.

  • No, just the blog that you submitted the request from gets deleted.

    The URL that you click on to delete within the email should contain the URL of the blog so you can double check.

  • Thank thee, drmike. I’ll go now and delete with lighter mind.

  • I have a related question, I have many blogs, one I created for a friend and then added her as admin also, now I want to leave the blog and make her the only admin, but I don’t seem to be able to delete myself from the blog leaving just her user and the blog intact, what should I do??

  • You should have the other Administrator delete you as an Administrator on the blog in question.

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