Deleting Search Field from Header

  • Hello,

    I’m new to CSS, and trying to delete the search field at the top. It’s not a widget.

    I’m on chrome, and used the inspect element, but I’m unsure how to proceed.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • fabianapsimoes · Member ·

    Hi @jolus41,

    To change how an HTML element look in your page, you need to target it with CSS a selector. A lot of times, a selector will be the id of the HTML element you want to change, or a class that is being applied to it (through the “class” attribute in the HTML). For example, if you right click on that search box and select “Inspect Element”, you will see that a

  • tag with the class “search-trigger”. You can use that class to target the search box and hide it with the “display” property:
    .search-trigger {
        display: none;

    Here is more information for you on how to use your browser’s developer tools to find CSS selectors: Hope you’ll find that useful :)