Distraction-free Writing Feature Feedback

  • If you encounter any errors with the new distraction-free writing mode, please let us know in this thread, which we’ll be monitoring.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I tried the distraction-free writing option. The only problem is that the gray bar at the top of the screen covers up the various text options (like bold and italics). Any suggestion?

  • Hi! I regularly post. I review other blog (very kindly) using the reblog feature. So, today I found a posting I like in tag surfer, hit like and then hit “reblog this post.” It acted like it wanted to something. It switched screens but nothing every happened. Can you help me?
    James Pilant

  • Hi. I loved this option, but often when I used my track pad to scroll down the page, it went all whack-o on me, duplicating a bunch of lines. But when I clicked outside the page, it went back to normal. Glitch with feature or glitch with my computer?

  • Wow! I’m still gasping! Yep. Gasping.

    I was freaking out when I came here to work and saw A Change. As in OMG. What’s going on?!!!

    Then I calmed down and reminded myself that y’all always let us know when you make changes, so I followed my instincts and checked the dashboard. I read your post. All of it. And clicked on the hyperlinked phrases to learn more.

    And I had a trial run. And another. And another.

    And I need to have the kitchen sink. Maybe not all of it.

    I need the toolbar as you have it… with redo and undo… to remain as I write ’cause I like to be able to use that bar no matter where I am on the page.

    Oh, I’m freaking out; but it’ll pass. I know I’ll be okay. It’s just that I’m a creature of habit, and I need to compose myself and get used to your lovely ideas once more.

    But I’ll be okay as long as I can keep my stationary toolbar to see and to use as I need. Please.

    In the meantime, thanks so much for your terrific ideas! I really love the way y’all are forever keeping the writing process creatively fresh.

  • P.S. When I experimented with moving text down from the previous paragraph, the sentences disappeared off the page.

    This is why I needed the undo arrow… so I could fix the dilemma.

    And it was “cumbersome” to have to go back to the previous page to access the tool I needed.

  • The Background Looks Bighter

  • I really like the distraction free mode but at the same time I miss the undo and redo buttons. Would it be possible for those 2 buttons to be added to the distraction free mode button layout ?

  • I just love the new ‘just write’ mode – anyway of setting it as the default when I hit the ‘new post’ link (so I don’t need to click ‘fullscreen’ everytime)?


  • Hi,
    On your initial instructions you do not mention “To enable Distraction Free Writing mode, click on the Toggle Full Screen button in the toolbar (it’s the second button from the right, in the first row), or use the keyboard shortcut Alt+Shift+G.”
    I wondered my my screen did not look the same as yours.

    Once I found this I thought the option was great! no more jumping text when you went back to amend and no more trying to write in a 4inch square box!

    Excellent work wordpress :)

    I had to upgrade to internet Explorer 8 – the red reminder/alert box was REALLY useful for non techie muppets like myself; I’d not a clue which browser I was using.

    Thanks for making blogging even easier!

  • Okay. I think I’m into whining meemie mode now.

    I started working on my post for Sunday, and I didn’t find my 5.15 post in the “search for post by title” shortcut. No problem. Copy and paste from the home page did the trick. So, yeah. I’m pretty resourceful.

    Then, on going back, I found that the post dates in the “search for post by title” are out of sequence. I’d looked only at the top of the list for the most recent to copy; so, of course, the latest post wasn’t there.

    Your new page just too much white space. The previous page had that, but I could use all of it. Here my text is surrounded by all that beautiful… useless… white space. Plus, my eyes are sensitive to light; so all that brightness is way too much.

    And… omg… I need yet another tool on the mini kitchen sink. The font color. And is it possible to darken the font on the writing page, too?

    Sigh. I wish I’d set up the draft before The Change.

    As I said before, I do adapt. Easily. But I was accustomed to the fullscreen option… and its icon… just as it was. Beautifully done, too. Why did it have to change?

    I know, I know. My whining meeminess is rambling. But, still. I want all your innovation AND the tools I had available just as before. Is that too much to ask?

    I love, love, love WP so much so that I got a friend to switch to WP recently. And I even tutored him, so he’d enjoy the experience that much more. So I’m not being ungrateful, but I am asking that you please take your bloggers’ diverse learning and writing styles into account. After all, one size does not fit all.


  • I noticed the text wasn’t jumping around as much anymore as it does in the small screen (I still wonder why the cursor constantly wants to move up when I edit in the small screen.)
    But…also in the bigger “distraction free writing screen”, I noticed when I add a picture, it always puts it at the top, not where my cursor is. I always need to manually copy and paste the code where I want it.
    The features at the top still distract me, since they randomly seem to flash on and off. Not sure why that is.
    Thanks so much for working on this!

  • Maplemouse, I, too, had the same thing happen. Thanks for bringing it up!

  • It would be cool to add the option of changing the fullscreen colour background.

  • Great idea, noirciplume!

  • There was a small issue I experienced yesterday while in distraction free mode When I would put a blank space between paragraphs and then when I would switch back to the normal visual editor the spacing was not reflected between paragraphs…

  • when it fullscreen, would it also be possible to have the same font size in normal view. Fullscreen mode makes the font huge!

  • My home page no longer opens — it flashes and then I get a wordprocessing type of post list only — with no way back to the home page..My about page appears to still open and if I log in via that I can get to the dashboard.
    What happened to my home page?????

    I also sent this in a support help email this morning…..

  • I also experience the same problems as maple mouse re uploading the photos

  • Hi! I greatly enjoyed using the new Distraction-Free Mode this morning. I just noticed two things that may be glitches, both on the initial “Post New” page (before toggling to full-screen). First, when I used “copy post” it added every single category on my blog, rather than just the one(s) that were chosen in the copied post. Secondly, in using the spell-checker (which I really like, by the way), “Ignore Always” leaves the word in question underlined, while any other option deletes the underline. Thank you for your input. Keep up the good work! :)

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