email list of site visitors

  • I would like to give visitors the option to subscribe to my blog site only and contact me by email. Is there a theme that includes that feature within it . I do not want yahoo or bloglines or google to harvest the email addresses of people who visit my site ; I want anyone who requests updates to get automatic updates whenever I post another blog. I want a comprehensive list of all those emails stored some place where I can send updates to them..

    Thank you
    Blog url:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We bloggers can set up email subscriptions by using this guide >

    Your site stats page displays how many followers you have, who your followers are, as well as how many people are subscribed to post comments on your site.

    Dashboard > Site stats > Total, ‘Followers’ , Shares

    Click “blog” and when that page opens click “email followers”!/my-stats/?blog_subscribers&type=email

    Note 1: You cannot obtain any information that personally identifies any of your followers. This is a privacy issue. What’s required for registering here is an email address only. That email address is for many of us a throwaway email address.

    Note 2: This may sound “heavy” but I think it’s important to recognize that when an email address is provided for a specific purpose, such as for receiving posts from a blog or submitting a comment to a blog, that is the only purpose it is being provided for, and any additional use of it is unauthorized. For example in Canada it’s illegal to use an email address for any purpose other than the specific purpose it was provided for.

    Note 3: If you want to set up for high powered email marketing then your best bet is to hire a web host and set up your own install. You can read the differences between free hosted blogs and installs for self hosting here >

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