font sizing

  • when you want to change the font-size of a heading, what is the selector name for the heading? Is there a list somewhere of the selector names for the various parts of the style-sheet for “structure”?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you are refferring to the site linked to your username it’
    s not a free hosted WordPress.cfom blog. This forum is only for those with free hosted WordPress.cvom blogs who have pruchased an annually renewable custom deign upgrade form They get support on this forum but no others do.

    So if you have a free hosted blog with the Structure theme version that we have here at that you purchased this upgrade for then you need to provide an active link starting with http:// to the blog in question.

  • To find out which selectors to use for headings, you can look at the HTML for one of the pages where you can see the element you want to change. Most browsers have an option somewhere in the menus such as View → Source or you can press Command + u or Command + Option + u.

    Another really handy way to find this information is by using a web inspector such as Firebug for Firefox. If you have that installed or if you are using a browser that has a web inspector built in, you can right click on an element and it will highlight the related HTML and CSS for you. Super handy.

    To increase the font size in the Structure theme on, try adding this CSS:

    #content .post h3, #content .post h4 a {
    font-size: 20px;
    line-height: 22px;

    That will adjust the posts titles on the home page and the titles on the individual posts at the same time. Adjust the numbers as necessary.

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