Google analytics on WordPress how_

  • How can set up google analytics_

    It is supposed i cant do but i have seen there is a way..
    please help me.

  • G’day – Here’s what I found in the forum search box for you by typing in “google analytics”

  • “but i have seen there is a way..”

    There isn’t, sorry.

  • There is for regular WordPress but user inputted Javascripts here would open up the site to hacking as it’s a shared environment.

    Also staff already uses Urchin/ Google Analytics on the sites themselves and Google doesn’t allow two of the Urchin scripts to run at the same time. (Which is strange because Urchin does allow it I believe.)

    *heh* *heh* Anal-ytics. Too much coffee today. :)

  • I find that the limited stats we get on the Dashboard has helped curb my stats addiction :)

  • I wrote a post earlier today and I think it’s true that we the stats tracked more, we would run into issues with the US laws about visitor tracking and 13 year olds leaving their data (COPPA?) and all that.

    Even on my own blog, I may use Urchin but I don’t remember that last time I looked at the stats.

  • @swein

    I find that the limited stats we get on the Dashboard has helped curb my stats addiction :)

    This was just the laugh I needed at my morning coffeebreak *chuckle* thanks :D
    Maybe we all need to curb our Technorati rank addiction too ;) *LOL*

  • It’s quite true; I used to spend an hour a night running IPs through NeoTrace just out of curiosity. Now that I’m on WordPress and have more hits, I would be paralyzed with carpal tunnel if I tried that.

  • I used to spend an hour a night running IPs through NeoTrace just out of curiosity

    Just for reference, that could be considered against the law here in the States (Rain is in Canada) if you didn’t notify your visitors ahead of time.

    That’s probably why we have the limited stats that we have.


  • Yes, your post is crap since we have no idea as to what you’re talking about.

  • There are a strange number of hostile, random comments around the blogosphere this weekend; I wonder if it has something to do with the number of spam attacks as well (which seem to have gone way up, both in blogs and on email) or if it’s just that those particular commenters are all PMSing at the same time.

    Also, yes, it would be against the law in the US, but not in Canada, at least at that time. But the posts where I would list places people had come from were by far the most popular posts on my blog; people love seeing that stuff.

    I wonder what the legal status of the SiteMeter world map widget is, since it shows where people come from and their IPs.

  • What cycle is the moon in?

    I thought it was a pretty quiet weekend myself. Had a lovely person at the church I help out at on Sundays swear that I stole his juice. That was about it.

    As to the sitemeter issue, it’s the responceability of the user to state what they get for data. I would think…

  • Well frankly everyone at WordPress knows not to leave you alone with some nice, fresh V8.

  • The V8 isn’t really dangerous it’s the Clamato that can put you over the edge. ;)

  • It’s “crap” that wordpress does not allow for Google Analytics, blogger does as do other blog aps.

  • @klockheed
    This has been answered many times before by our Moderator drmike and you can find his replies in the forum searchbox as well as in this thread.

    Also staff already uses Urchin/ Google Analytics on the sites themselves and Google doesn’t allow two of the Urchin scripts to run at the same time.

    It sounds like you may not have read the posts prior to your own and don’t understand Google’s rules. Their rule is that only one Google analytics script (Urchin) can be run on any blog; they do not allow two. And runs Google analytics (urchin) on all of our blogs.

  • So the security of your blog here is “crap” You do understand that that is what you are saying, right?

    Yes, blogger allows javascript. They’re sites regularrly get hacked as well because of it.

    if you want javascripts that bad, please make a post here saying “I want my site and everybody’s else hacked.” so we can see that that is what you want.

  • “And runs Google analytics (urchin) on all of our blogs.” <— Ok, so how can one access the Google Analytics data?

    Dr. Mike – “…the security of your blog…” is not crap, the fact that the programmers take the easy way out by denying such a useful tool is. The claim of hacking is an excuse, not a reason. Regardless, its not like my blog gets enough hits to track anyway. :)

  • One cannot access the Google Analytics on a hosted blog; only staff can do that. If you want Google Analytics AND a WordPress blog, the solution is to find hosting and use software from And being hostile towards volunteers in the forum is not productive.

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