Help after blog name change

  • When you change your blog name, as in I changed from to, does it change everything automatically?
    I have clicked on links on other blogs who follow me, but it brings up and error as it is still redirecting to the old site. Will this change eventually?
    I did look at purchasing the site redirect, however I don’t think I can now as I deleted my old name.
    I had thought that when I updated, old comments etc would as well, but they seem to all be the old name too.
    Is there perhaps something I have not done?
    I’m a bit confused, mind you that’s not hard to do :)
    Thanks for any help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • DId you use the support page to direct you on how to change your domain name?

    It tells you step by step the process in addition to adding a custom domain name if you choose to go that route

  • Old comments will not update, but given enough time they should redirect. ANY time you change a URL, allow up to 72 hours for everything to settle down.

  • WAIT I stand corrected. The instructions say that no, despite what we’ve been told you DO need to buy a redirect if you want the old links to work

  • Darnelldibbles – Yes I did indeed :)

    Raincoaster – You were pretty much spot on. Old comments have remained the same and old links are broken, but the problem with people following has now resolved, so I think time was the key.

    I did try to do the blog direct, however I think I should have perhaps set it up before I deleted the other one. Or perhaps it does not work if you delete your blog. For now I am happy enough, everything seems to be bedding in.

    Thank you to you both for all your help :)

  • Ok still having a few small issues, just want to check there is not something I haven’t done.

    All my followers came across fine when I changed my blog name, however a lot of them are telling me that they no longer see my posts in the reader and a few have had to unfollow and then refollow me again.
    Is there anyway I can send out a mass e-mail / message to them all asking them to check. Obviously I’ve done posts, but if they are not seeing me in the reader then it’s kinda pointless.

    Any help would be much appreciated :)

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