HELP me please: Customize my blog

  • Hi! I would like to customize my blog with CSS but I have NO idea of how to use it.
    The blog I want to customize is and these are my doubts:
    1- I would love to customize the title with a Font that in my theme does not exist, and upload an image.
    2- The titles of the right column I want them in doifferemt size and color.
    3- The “related thumbnails” i want them in bigger size they are too small
    4- how can I have the social media logos on the top of the page, in the right corner for example?
    I have so many doubts it would be great if you could help me.
    Merry xmas!
    Thank you :)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I do not help with CSS editing but I’d like to ask you to read what can and what cannot be done with CSS editing. You cannot use CSS editing to change the way any theme is designed to function. You can make appearance changes only.
    Custom design – Frequently Asked Questions

    As your questions may have been asked and answered previously here is a link to all other CSS forum threads for Triton Lite that you can search through while waiting for help.

  • Hi there,

    1. You have a good selection of Typekit fonts to choose from with the Custom Fonts feature. Those are the only fonts available to us here, other than the standard fonts in the themes. If you specify a font you have on your computer, but others do not have installed on their computer, then they will not see that font since the browser will try and pull fonts from the user’s computer.

    You can create an image with the title of your site in the font you desire and then insert that image as your site title. Create your image, upload it to the media library, get the URL of that image and then go to Appearance > Customize > CSS, clear the informational text, paste in the following and replace URL_OF_IMAGE between the quote marks with the URL of your logo image.

    #logo {
    background: url("URL_OF_IMAGE") no-repeat scroll center center rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
    #logo h1 a {
    color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);

    2. I see you have a custom font for the sidebar titles right now. Did you want it a different font than the one you have assigned right now? To change the font size and color, add the following and edit as desired.

    .widget-area .widgets .widgettitle, .widget-area .widgets .widgettitle a {
        color: #33cc33;
        font-size: 20px !important;

    3. I’m not sure I understand which thumbnail images you are referring to. Are you talking about on the main page of your site?

    4. I’m not seeing any social media icons except for below the posts on the single post pages such as . Are those the ones you are talking about?

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