Help! Mucked up my menu titles!

  • Hi there. In attempting to add a new menu item I have mucked up my menu in Twenty Eleven. Is there a way to revert to my previously-saved menu bar?
    I have re-loaded all pages, but appear to have ‘lost’ some top level items. For instance I previously had HANDY GUIDES and RECIPES as menu headers, from which I had drop-down items (A bit on the side: SALADS etc.). The drop-down items are now scattered all over my menu bar, and those two headers have gone. My previous headers were HOME, ABOUT ME, FAQs, HANDY GUIDES and RECIPES. I’m worried if I re-create these, the corresponding URLs will change. Where am I likely to find my original items? THANK YOU!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Go to your menus page. On the top left there is a box called ‘Theme Locations’. In that box (under the ‘Primary Menu’ text), there is a spot to select which menu to display from the various menus you’ve made and saved.

    Right now you have ‘Top-level tabs’ chosen. From your description about the HANDY GUIDES menu header, you’ll probably want to choose the ‘Ap-pealing tips: PEELING VEGIES’ menu from that selector.

    I hope this helps you out – have a great day!

  • Thanks SO much. Apologies for my delayed response (I’ve been on a holiday). I seriously thought I’d ruined my menu completely! You are a legend.

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