I downloaded a template, how can i incorporate it on my blog?

  • Hello, i downloaded a template called “running” from a site called templatepanic.com..i would like to use it for my blog! How can i go about doing this? Thanks!

  • If your blog is on wordpress.com, you can’t. The only themes available are the ones that you see through your Dashboard’s Presentation tab.

    If you want to recommend a theme for consideration to be adapted to the wordpress.com multi-user platform, you can do that here:

  • Hello, quick question…what about a site like freewordpressthemes.com….what is the purpose of these websites if you cannot use them on your wordpress blog??? But i will recommend a theme for consideration so thanks!!!

  • Those sites offer themes that can be used on self-hosted blogs powered by free software available at wordpress.org.

    There is a thread going for theme recommendations. The search box should pop it up for you and it will tell you what you need to know about a theme before recommending it.

  • Hi
    You should definitely have a look at this:

    WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

  • Thank you! Now i understand the differences! Do you think it might be better to use wordpress.org so that i can customize my blog? What do you use? Thanks!

  • If you have the technical skills and the budget for hosting, an independent blog offers much more flexibility. A WP.com blog can offer greater googlejuice, but you should start with your own domain name using the domain upgrade so that when you move all your loyal readers can move with you without even noticing that anything happened. If you build up a profile under Username.Wordpress.Com and then switch to Username.com, you’ll lose people.

  • I use Bluehost for some of my blogs and am very happy with both price and performance. The problems with self-hosting are:

    1. You have to maintain the software.

    Most of this is pretty simple, but when there is an update necessary you are the one who has to take care of it.

    2. You miss out on the WordPress.com community.

    Things like “Growing Blogs”, “Top Posts” and “Top Blogs” pages are pretty impressive sources of traffic. In addition you lose the advantage of being in the WordPress tag pages. If you are new to this you may not realize just how important these are.

    In favor of self-hosting…

    You have the option, if you self host, to add advertisements to your site, use other themes and pretty much do anything you want. If your goal is to have a blog that produces income, you will want to self-host.

  • Thanks everybody for your input! I think i will stay as is because i am not very good at technical skills nor do i have the budget at the moment! So, yeah i’ll stick with wordpress.com.

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