I want my domain like this ‘blog.mydomain.com’

  • I want my domain like this ‘blog.mydomain.com’ how can I get that?

  • You must first purchase 15 WP credits. Go to your admin panel and click on the upgrades tab.

    When you do have them, your host that got the domain for you must have the DNS pointing to ns1.wordpress.com or ns2.wordpress.com.

    After that you can add it to your blog. If you need any additional help, please submit a support ticket.

  • There are a few more steps. What you are referring to is a subdomain. I don’t think the WP domain purchase includes a subdomain, which is what the 15 credits buys. You will need to purchase a domain elsewhere, making sure that it supports subdomains, then create that subdomain where you have the domain hosted. Then you purchase domain mapping (10 credits) and point the DNS as indicated above.

    (I have mine set up like this, BTW)

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