Posting links

  • Can I post a link on my blog that points toward an article that is not mine, but I have permission from the author and express in my blog that it is another author’s article?
    How do I prove to WordPress that I have permission?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You don’t need permission to post a link. You can link in one post in another post. Is that what you want to do?
    This is the guide for creating links in posts and pages:
    This is the general link model:
    <a href="URL HERE">Highlighted anchor text here</a>
    This is the visual result – it’s not actually linked.
    Highlighted anchor text here

    Enter the anchor text you want to link to first.
    Then use your mouse to highlight that anchor text. (If you don’t highlight the anchor text the chain icon will remain grayed out and not be useable.)
    Next click the chain icon in the editor and proceed to create the link.

  • I just looked at the link that you sent, and don’t understand it.
    I’m so computer illiterate, that I don’t even know what “anchor” means. Sorry.
    I’ll explain quickly what I did, and why I think that I might have done it the wrong way:
    I saw an interesting article, went to my blog, clicked “new post”, then clicked “link”.
    It asked me for the URL, title, and description.
    For the description, I wrote this is [author’s] article on so on and so forth….
    I didn’t put any of the article’s text, just the link.
    My only concern is that when I went to my “manage blogs” page, it shows the link and then it shows me as the author.
    Should I have done it a different way?
    Thank you.

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