Problem with homepage

  • I’m so frustrated!! This morning my blog was exactly the way I wanted it to be. Cache has been cleared, all was perfect with the current picture and category at the top for Choosing a Photographer. I just updated yesterday and it was perfect. My cache was clear and I checked it again this morning before sending it out to my clients to follow. Then my client responded that it looked like something was wrong with my blog, all of a sudden the homepage picture which creates the larger picture at the top when you add a new post and set it as your profile picture is blank. I have tried to reload it, set it as my featured image, and have done everything I have always done which has always worked. The blog simpy will not load a featured picture, and instead I am left with a grey box. I have even created a new post, and it won’t load it there either. I am stuck.Doesn’t make any sense????

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I recommend a comprehensive article on the Structure theme:

    The showcased post can be
    1) your latest post;
    2a) the latest post from any given category;
    2b) a fixed post.

    Read the full article > Introduction to the Structure Theme

  • Thank you for your reply. I have done all of those things. I didn’t have any problem when I set it up. Just in case I went through the introduction again. For some reason, all of a sudden out of nowhere it will not load my picture. I have set my featured image, it will not load? I don’t know what to do? Does anyone at word press service these blogs?

  • Will you please post the link to the image in question?

  • Example of Problem before when it was working, and now, after the problem started..

    Here is a link to the image that will not load:

  • Hello again,
    I have noticed that we now have a forum thread from member about featured images disappearing from Inuit Types. I’m thinking Staff may be working on theme templates and they may in fact be causing this. I’m flagging this thread and the other for Staff attention.

  • Thank you, I kind of was hoping their was a problem, I’m new to wordpress and I’ve been working on my site for weeks now and have gotten used to most settings and for the life of me could not figure out how to fix this. I will wait patiently for updates! Thank you again!

  • I really appreciate your responses, and while this is extremely frustrating I’m glad to hear I am not alone on this topic, in hopes that there is a resolution sooner then later. I’m using this for professional purposes so I’d really like to fix this problem as soon as possible. I hope to hear something very soon…thank you again for your help. I’m crossing my fingers. I’d really like to stay with word press. Its a beautiful blog, if it can function properly…

  • Your image won’t show up because it’s not in the right dimensions. Copy and upload this one instead and it’ll show up:

  • Okay Seriously panaghiotisadam your a TOTAL GENIUS. I’m not even going to question why is has been working this entire time at the image size I had set and now it doesn’t, I’m just totally excited that you figured it out for me. Thank you Thank you!!! Your the greatest!! I will save the dimensions and work from here. It worked!!
    Thanks again for loading that for me, and for taking the time to help, you totally made my day:)

  • Thank you also Timethief for putting out the word!! Hope you can get yours up and running also M meals:) Cheers!

  • You’re welcome!

    As timethief suggested, this may be a temporary glitch. But it’s always safer and better to upload properly sized images. I have posted on the dimensions here:
    and here:

    Featured images

  • Ok I’m still frustrated everyone seems to be solving their problem however I’m not. I’m so new to this and barley know how to work these functions so I don’t understand as much as others do. Is the chateau theme still having problems? I doubt mine is the picture size as well because it was working fine yesterday morning….Is their still a glitch do you know?

  • Everything with my featured images used as headers in Chateau was working from Friday untill today (tuesday). The amount of frustration and anxiety is tangible in my office. Please say a solution will come or that it is just a temporary problem?!

  • @socialluxury
    Are you presizing your images to the specifications of the Chateau theme prior to uploading them and making theme featured images? In Chateau the featured images replaces regular header image when viewing single post or static page. For the correct dimensions required please see here >

  • I’m French and I have this problem too. It’s difficult for me to understand this “geek” vocabulary in English :s. Is it really a problem of dimensions ? It worked perfectly before with the same size…

  • @nnomanlili: No, the problem is that WP has messed something up (and will probably correct it soon). Before yesterday your images would show up no matter what their size. But we volunteers have always recommended uploading images presized to the right dimensions: if you don’t do that, header or featured images may be cropped or distorted or poor quality or invisible.

  • Thank you all. I’ve fixed just about everything, a few I can’t see still even though they are sized correctly so I’m hoping those are fixed with corrections. Thanks again!

  • Hello all. First of all, apologies for the issues you are having. We have indeed made a change to the way cropped featured images work on

    I’m not even going to question why is has been working this entire time at the image size I had set and now it doesn’

    Actually, that has been a long time standing bug with the way we processed images. This has been fixed now. Previously, images that were smaller than what a theme specifies as the size for a featured image would be upscaled and distorted. This should never happen by default.

    The side effect is that some of you may have grown used to this behavior. For that, I apologize.

    Images that are equal, or bigger than what a theme requires, should still work exactly as before, cropped when needed.

    We are checking your reports for possible misses, but, please, if you have a case where a featured image that is bigger than the dimensions a theme specifies is still showing problems, let us know. Thanks.

  • … if you have a case where a featured image that is bigger than the dimensions a theme specifies is still showing problems, let us know. Thanks.

    Here’s one for you, using Inuit Types:

    The image in the post is 800 pixels wide (wider than the 594 pixels required for a featured image in Inuit Types) and the same image is also being used as the featured image on the front page. On the front page of the blog it has disappeared.

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