Submitting to iTunes

  • Hello WordPress People,

    We have used the WordPress site to create a blog to house our podcasts. It works well.

    We are trying to connect our podcast to the iTunes store, but not all of the necessary information is transferring to the appropriate iTunes fields.

    The information from WordPress doesn’t provide the information for the “author” or “short description.”

    The problem is that we can’t make any changes to the iTunes information once we have it posted. This means that we need to find a place in WordPress where we can include this info.

    Do any of you have any experience in this or have any ideas?


    Leigh Zeitz
    Unitarian Universalist Society of Black Hawk County.

  • I’m sending in a feedback to see if we can get a staff member to discuss this but to the best of my knowledge, podcasts are not offically supported here at Some folks do them but I know that dealing with itunes has caused issues in the past.

    Usually when folks are doing podcasts, they’re dealing with the WordPress software that you download from and find a host for. There’s a number of plugins that will do what you need. End user installed plugins are not supported here due to security concerns.

  • I don’t know a workround but then I’ve never gone near iTunes let along created a podcast. As drmike says though we don’t support podcasts here as yet but when we do we would have to take into account how all the providers like their material presented.

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