ugly font appears now in HTML version

  • Having praised the change to my Coraline dashboard’s appearance a few weeks back – to a crisp clean sans font which makes the whole screen feel appealing – suddenly the font within the type-area of a new post has changed to an ugly unreadable font which cannot be skimmed and edited at a glance. Actually it’s the same font appearing immediately below this Forum post as I compose it, following the words “Allowed markup:”. You may say the half dozen words showing here look readable – but that font really does not work when you have a screenful of running prose full of HTML commands to edit. Why has the font changed in any case and can I change it back to match the dashboard’s sans – or have I accidentally hit a wrong button?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I am witnessing the change in font in the editor on my blogs too and disliking it — yuck! I don’t think you did anything to change it as we are both experiencing it on different themes it appears that Staff may have changed it. But I am not witnessing it here on the forum.

  • I’m really frustrated by this change. I can read the font in the Visual editor with ease. Thankfully, it has no been changed but the font in the HTML editor is a completely different story. I’m visually challenged and I normally use the HTML editor a great deal of the time. The font change is so terrible that I am being forced into using the Visual editor. Staff I beg you to reconsider this change please.

  • I am 100% in agreement with the two prior posters. The new typeface-style font in the HTML editor, to put it bluntly, sucks. Please, please change it back or provide an option for us to do so.

  • Previous font was in a “sans” style, and the new one is a “courier” or “mono” style. The new font type is thinner, and I’m not sure if it’s also smaller( without changing font size). With this light grey, lighter?, the current font of HTML editor make really difficult to write in it.

    Given that staff is making several changes from the launch of the new look of admin pages, I hope this one is just a test or an intermediate step.

    New font type is a fine style, but it should be darkest, at least. And make it one point bigger may be also a good change.


  • The new font is actually here to stay and part of the core WordPress Dashboard redesign, built on the feedback of millions of WordPress users.

    To share you thoughts and/or concerns on the current state of things, please start an idea thread at

    You can follow along with future enhancements at and some you may be interested in as well.

  • @ludusnaturae
    To me this is not an issue of font size. I can adjust that in my browser but size is not an issue for me.

    My issue is readability. I can read the font in the Visual editor with ease and scan it very quickly. I could do the same using the HTML editor yesterday but not today.
    If I switch to the HTML editor I am witnessing all bold lettering SHOUTING at me. I cannot quickly scan this font and locate HTML errors I may have made prior to publishing a post today like I could yesterday.

    I have experienced many changes here at and although some have been frustrating none were an actual barrier to me using the editor in both modes — this one is a barrier. :(

  • @timethief
    I agree, it’s uncomfortable in every way.
    But we must endure, seen what @macmanx says. :(

  • @ludusnaturae
    This is to let you know I did read what macmanxx posted.

  • @timethief

    Of course, I suppose you did.

    Seems that all these millions of WordPress users have very good eyesight.

    This is my opportunity to renew the glasses, or perhaps to give up using the HTML editor, that seems is what they want.


  • Ugh, I started writing a post today and could only write one word before I was stopped in my tracks and completely lost my train of thought because the font is so distracting. I do not like this new font AT ALL. I find it hard to believe that millions of users wanted courier or mono font while in HTML view. I feel like it’s a punishment for wanting to write some of my own tags while I write rather than using the do-it-all-for-me visual view. Not a happy user.

  • @ludusnaturae
    macmanxx has provided the stock in trade answer we get every time a change occurs based on the feedback of “millions of WordPress users”, presumably without the participation and feedback from the millions of users on this multiuser blogging platform. The reason I say that is because it appears that those who do have installs and who are able to use plugins can participate in in BETA testing, while users cannot install individual plugins and actively participate in the developmental stages. I am sad. :(

  • Another great leap backward – the font is too small

    Not happy at all

  • while users cannot install individual plugins and actively participate in the developmental stages.

    Actually, even though you can’t install a development version yourself, you can participate via the overall process via the the two blogs that I mentioned, and

    WordPress is an open source project, and everyone is welcome to share their opinions regarding its development and direction, just make sure that you share them in the right venue so things can be done about it. :)

  • Also, just to add that the two blogs are merely the first place that you can get involved.

    There are also mailing lists, and of course Trac:

  • @macmanxx is supposed to be a platform for those who do no need to code, and presumably do not not have technical backgrounds nor the ability to comprehend geek peak.

    I have visited those sites. I repeat the Dashboard changes we users have experienced were not and are not available to bloggers to BETA test and provide feedback on as there is no FTP access to our blogs and we cannot install plugins.

    Opinions that are not based on actual testing cannot possibly be as valuable as the feedback from those who have had the opportunity for hands on testing. I see a huge gap here a technical and geek speak gap that I cannot cross-over.

  • I understand your concerns. Please be aware that we just use WordPress here, we don’t make it, so this really isn’t the best venue to express your concerns.

    Future design changes are discussed via and and screenshots are often included or linked to. The level of “geek speak” is not too terribly high on them, so they represent probably the best way to follow UI development and share your thoughts along the way.

    Another good place is but that’s more WordPress development in general, not really UI-specific.

  • @macmanxx
    I also apologize for not comprehending this forum not the correct venue to discuss changes that impact my blogging. I have made myself a note and hung it above my computer to remind me that when are introduced they are here to stay. They are part of the core WordPress development process built on the feedback of millions of WordPress users and once deployed — feedback is futile.

  • Feedback is never futile on an open source project. If you’re concerned about a change that has already been made (as is the case here), please post an “idea” thread at

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