Affiliate program

  • Hi there! We are a blog and are looking to link small businesses in our blogs that don’t have a program set up. We want to be able to offer to link their store on our page and we’ll track the clicks and sales, then send them an invoice, is there such a thing that exists?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there, is hosted by SiteGround, not by WordPress.COM. You are posting to the wrong support forum. This is WordPress.COM support and that site is not on our servers.

    We do not provide support for local installs of WordPress.ORG software, or for WordPress.ORG software installs on paid hosting, linked to WordPress.COM accounts with the Jetpack plugin so they display on the My Sites WordPress.COM account page. However, about 30% of those who post here every day are posting to the wrong support forum and must be redirected to the correct support forum.

    WordPress.COM and WordPress.ORG are completely separate and have different username accounts, logins, features, run different versions of some themes with the same names, and have separate support documentation and separate support forums. Read the differences here support
    The wordpress.ORG support forum is at The wordpress.ORG login link is here If you do not have an account yet then click Create an account and if you have lost an account password click Lost password? support docs are at
    See also for app support.

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