Blog post not coming up in Google search as expected

  • i’ve read a lot of threads here on the forum about putting the right tag in in order to come up high in Google SEO etc and i think it’s been going well on some topics. My topics came up on top.

    until recently….
    i’ve written a post which i expected to come up high in Google search which is a review of a new restaurant by a popular chef not that many people have been to (as it’s hard to book). only a few people have reviewed it in their blogs. but when i google ‘Dinner by Heston Blumenthal review’ or ‘Dinner by Heston Blumenthal blog review’, I could not find my post at all after clicking pages and pages. There are other people only mentioning (not reviewing) the restaurant but their post come up.

    I have got a lot of clicks from other media but just not through Google search. What have I done wrong?

    Here is my post:

    Thanks for your help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There is no control over what Google chooses to index, or how they choose to display what they index, or where what they display is ranked in the display.

  • Have you tried submitting a site map to Google?

    You need to have registered ownership of the site with Google first through their webmaster tools section of a Google account.

    I’ve just noticed that’s a self hosted site, so you would be better asking at

  • winkypedia is hosted on WordPress.COM – they use Domain Mapping to a custom URL

  • @ timethief: thanks for clarifying. at least i found out it’s not because i’ve done something wrong. shame about that review. i’ve high hope to make a break to boost reader counts! :( oh well….

    @auxclass: yes, your analysis is correct. and i’ve registered my ownership witht Google already.

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