Can comments be moved?

  • If a comment has been posted, but you think it’s on the wrong topic (it’s not spam), can it be moved?

    I have one currently awaiting moderation which is more appropriate to a topic triggered off by a conversation I had at the photographer’s protest in London last weekend. I haven’t written about that event yet, but this person has posted it on another entry that has nothing to do with it. I don’t want to get rid of it because it’s good, but I don’t want to have it in the wrong place either. Maybe I’ll be opening up a can of worms so this person will start posting anywhere to make their very singular point. I’m sorry this is a long question, but any comments and suggestions would be welcome.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Copy comment and commenter’s data (nick, mail, website); Log out, submit the copied comment yourself in the appropriate post; then log in again, click “Comments” in your dashboard sidebar, hover under comment text, click Edit to restore original date and data.

  • That’s genius. Thanks very much, Panaghiotisadam. I’ll do that when I finally get to write that article.

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