Cannot change text color in pull quote block

  • When I try to do it, nothing happens.

    I can change the border color.

    I am using the 2016 theme.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi –

    Please send us a link to one of the posts you’re working on and include the specific text. What color do you want to use for the text of the pull quotes?

  • Here is the link: link.

    The pull quote is at the bottom of the page just above the social media icons. I tried unsuccessful to make the pull quote’s text, “This is a pull quote,” blue.

  • Hi metbaseball, I tinkered with this quite a bit and was able to change the pullquote text color if I did not highlight the text first.

    Can you confirm whether that’s what you were doing, and if not selecting the text helps? If I just click on pullquote, type my text, and select a color, it seems to work.

  • I tried what you suggested, but it did not work, so I deleted the pull quote and created a new one.

    In the new one, within the block, I selected the blue text color, which caused the cursor color to change to that color, and then typed text, but the text color still did not change.

    I did not highlight/select any text.

  • supernovia,

    I just looked at the pullquote’s block HTML.

    Here it is:

    <p>This is a pull quote.</p><cite>Abe Lincoln</cite>


    However, the displayed text color is still black.

  • supernovia,

    I just looked at the pullquote’s block HTML.

    Here it is:

    <figure class="wp-block-pullquote" style="border-color:#007acc"><blockquote class="has-text-color has-bright-red-color">This is a pull quote.
    <cite>Abe Lincoln</cite></blockquote></figure>

    However, the displayed text color is still black.

  • Thanks, I tinkered around quite a bit with the HTML for it too.

    Ultimately, I was able to get it to change only if I did not select the text first. Can you confirm whether you’ve tried that?

  • Supernovia,

    I have tried everything that you suggested. Nothing has worked.

    Could the theme have a bug in it?

  • Hi there,

    I’m able to replicate what you’re seeing with Twenty Sixteen on a test site. I see the same thing with the self-hosted version of the theme as well, though, which means this is something that needs to be fixed on first. It looks like there might already be a bug report open on their end for the issue, so I’m following up there.

    Unfortunately I’m not able to tell you when it might be fixed, though.

  • Okay, I’ve now reported this issue to the Core team. I’ll let you know if I hear anything from that end, but for now the only thing that will work is to add a style attribute to the p and cite tags, and then set the color there manually.

    That will cause an invalid content warning to appear on the block in the editor, but it should still work correctly in the published post.

  • Hi kokkieh.

    Thank you for investigating.

    To “add a style attribute to the p and cite tags” do I need to have the CSS capability installed? If not, I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a bit more info on how to do it.

  • If I wanted to delete a reply to a post (that has yet to be responded to) is that possible to do?

  • To “add a style attribute to the p and cite tags” do I need to have the CSS capability installed? If not, I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a bit more info on how to do it.

    No problem, you can add your own inline CSS as needed, like so:

    <figure class="wp-block-pullquote" style="background-color: black;"><blockquote><p style="color: pink;">An amazing quote</p><cite style="color: #fff;">Someone Cool</cite></blockquote></figure>

    If you start with a block quote, choose to edit the HTML, and then add CSS, the editor may tell you it needs to resolve a problem by converting to HTML. That should be fine. Let us know if you need more help!

  • If I wanted to delete a reply to a post (that has yet to be responded to) is that possible to do?

    Could you link us to the post? Generally we don’t remove posts, but we’ll take a look.

  • Supernovia,

    It is not a big deal. I was just curious if it could be done. Thank you for responding.

    Thanks for the inline CSS.

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