Current Issue: I cannot access certain links in top navigation strip

  • Hi, Podz. I’ve been having the same problems as a lot of people have had. It’s been at least 4 days for me. I’ve not been able to access anything at all. My own bookmarks/links to certain pages don’t work. For every single thing I’ve tried to access/change I get a 2nd login screen and, sure enough, everything leads to the main page. I don’t have a Feedback link either. I’ll send an e-mail to but I thought I’d check here first since you did updates here the last time there was a problem. Again, I’ve no Feedback link. My blog address is, Tirades & Stuff. Thanks much in advance. – RRG

  • PODZ, the first blog I setup was hanafifiqh and the second was movingcloser. I have not posted to hanafifiqh at all, but I have been trying to use movingcloser. It worked for 2-3 days, but now whenever I try to post a message, or update options, etc., for movingcloser, it takes me to the respective page for hanafifiqh. So basically I keep getting switched over to hanafifiqh.

    let me know if you need more info. I have tried accessing movingcloser through different links, bookmarks, etc, all with the same result.


  • Please – it’s said twice above.

    Send in a feedback.
    Posting here means you wait longer. I don’t mind if that’s what you want to happen – your choice.

    Send in a Feedback or an Email

  • Ok, I’m having the same problem, only much weirder. I get a dialog box when I try to use links on the Navigation Strip that says “Internet Explorer / cannot download from” with another dialog box behind that, a much bigger one, with a picture of the file-kicker-folder flinging files into a receiving folder. This is happening in IE and all IE-based browsers and in Firefox and all Gecko-based browsers. I’ve played with all my internet settings, done a system restore, made sure TSL and SSL are enabled, etc. I’m on Win XP Pro, firewalled, ZoneAlarmed, AVG protection, etc. Turned all that off and still had same problem.

    The only bad thing is I tried to import XML from LJ first, before even setting up my brand-spanking new account ( and got a blank web page after I did so that said nothing on it except xml and a couple of codes after it–weird. I don’t want to import the LJ stuff anyway total mistake on my part, mind was wandering. All the same, I can’t use Nav strip and wonder if the XML import thing is contributing to my particular problem.

    How do I leave Feedback? I’ve been using WordPress for only an hour! Where is the Feedback Link?

  • I’ve done some research and found that a feedback form can be had from the Nav Strip after clicking “My Dashboard.” But I can’t open the link for My Dashboard! How do I get in touch with podz or someone who can help?

  • support @ will get it in :)

    It’s a strange problem – could the file associations be messed up in your machine?

  • With no answers from anybody last night I started playing around and set up another blog on the same acount called “notmarah”. Which I was able to access immediately from Dashboard, without any problems. As for a blog for “imnotmarah”, there isn’t one. Now that I have the second blog made up. But I wanted the name “imnotmarah” on it, not the name “notmarah.” Maybe I’m just asking too much. Should I run my questions by support or just content myself with a blog called “notmarah?”

    I agree, the first set of problems were really weird.

  • P.S. I’m just going to cut-and-paste my comments here into a letter for support. Waiting for answers in these comment threads is not something that makes sense to me, given the length of time between posts and responses.

  • I think it’s fixed….check and feedback if not.

  • Yes, it is fixed. Thank you so much.

  • Wonderful :)

    To anyone / everyone else – if this is happening, send a feedback. State which blog is affected. It’s very fixable.

  • please check my blog I can’t access my dashboard or post via blogging tools (e.g. w.bloggar or perfomancing), it tells me you can not post on this webblog or category.


  • Same problem as everyone else above. Can’t access dashboard, account, new post, keys. (with IE or Firefox).Sarted this morning (Paris, France, time).

  • i cant access the new post and edit features. :(

    so there, my old problem is back again.

    *also, im having problems accessing this forum.

  • lateralus – try again please.

  • techbee – all should now be good.

  • deankts – you are good too.

  • if this is happening, send a feedback. State which blog is affected.

  • I would send feedback, but I can’t get into the My Account section :/ or any other link at the moment. (Can’t get into Dashboard, the Edit Post link no longer appears, etc etc).

    I keep getting random database connection errors in my sidebar too.

    Blog is – can you please help?

  • I cannot access my blog either. When I login and click on my dashboard, it just refreshes the main page of the blog:

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