Disable action bar which is visible to logged out user

  • Hi everyone,

    I’ve recently upgraded my Blog from Free to Personal Plan. Things worked perfectly except one annoying problem:

    I really want to make my upgraded-blog look like a standard website which has no relation to “blogging”. But there is a “+” icon beside “Follow” button on bottom right corner (together with 3 dots and options to Report content… when click on it) whenever I log out of WordPress on my Computer or visit my website (www.cragen.net) on other devices.

    This really disappoints me after hours of effort building my own website.

    I did read throughout the forum for similar cases to find a solution (most reliable thread: https://goo.gl/rKWVH3) but I still can’t turn that nasty popop off.

    Could I need help from WordPress engineer to solve my case? Please :(

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello! Can you please explain more about what you are trying to do?

    I’m on your website and I see no + button or the three dots you are talking about, in the bottom-right area of your site.

  • Here’s another customer who had the same question with me, and it seems like he solved his problem.

    – His problem: https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/the-new-follow-bar?replies=33

    – His website (looks clear right now, no “follow” bar even I’m not logging in WordPress): https://jasonwatts.net/

    My website is “.net” too.

  • Hi @mihaiapetrei,

    It won’t show + button when you are logging in with a WordPress account, could you please try to log out and check my site again?

    Thank you

  • Now I see it (it disappears when you scroll all the way down).

    You have 2 options:

    • You disable it by following the steps from the link you have me:

      You will need to go into WP Admin (bottom of left hand side menu)

      Get into Settings >> Reading

      Uncheck “Show follow button to logged out users.”

      Somehow this option is not visible in the new admin, hence you will need to get into WP Admin

    • You hide it using custom CSS like this:

      div#actionbar {
      display: none

  • Turning this:

    div#actionbar {
    display: none

    Into a more visible option:

    div#actionbar {
        display: none
  • Thanks @mihaiapetrei,

    But I don’t know where should I put the code you gave?

    I’m not on WordPress.org and on Personal Plan, I don’t have access to edit CSS or anything further :/

  • “You will need to go into WP Admin (bottom of left hand side menu)

    Get into Settings >> Reading

    Uncheck “Show follow button to logged out users.”

    Somehow this option is not visible in the new admin, hence you will need to get into WP Admin”

    I did try this before I ask for my case on this forum, but I can’t find any “Show follow button to logged out users.” option in “Reading” setting to uncheck it. Sad :-(

    Wait, I’ll show you some screenshots for proof

  • Ok. From my understanding, you should go here (https://cragen.net/wp-admin/options-reading.php) and uncheck: “Show follow button to logged out users.”

    Hope this is helpful!

  • Here are they:


    I’m stuck. None of known solutions for earlier similar cases can help me at the moment.

  • Based on this (https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/the-new-follow-bar), I think the conclusion is what @kokkieh written:

    We added that feature after receiving many requests for a way for logged out users to follow sites, and also for an easy way to log into the dashboard from a site’s front end. It actually bothered a significant number of users that there was no follow option for logged out visitors on mobile.

    We don’t arbitrarily add features on WordPress.com, but every new feature is the result of numerous requests, followed up by research and user testing and feedback. I’ve also already passed your feedback along to the developers about wanting the option to hide it. You’re not the first person who requested that, but no change in this feature will come until we’ve researched the overall impact of adding that option.

  • Ya bro, I read it.

    As I said earlier, @thejasonwatts was asking the same question with me and now I see that everything is clear with no unexpected buttons on his website.

    – His problem: https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/the-new-follow-bar
    – His website now: https://jasonwatts.net/

  • Yup! The only way would be to go the CUSTOM CSS way so I guess he has an active Business plan that gives him this possibility of having custom css.

  • Well, if that is so, I feel like I’m being cheated. :/

    Coz all I need to build a blog as a standard website is to purchase the most expensive plan (Business). WordPress doesn’t tell customers this point, option to remove/hide Follow button is only available in Business upgrade.

    I’m down…

  • I am sorry that this makes you feel bad. However, when features like this are added, they are added for improving the platform and sometimes for testing different things and see how successful the new functionality might be, as many people requested that, as you see in @kokkieh’s answer above

  • Thanks @mihaiapetrei,

    I really need a response from WordPress staff for my case…

  • Sure. I will add a tag to this support request so that a Happiness Engineer can help you on your situation.

  • Hi there,

    If you have the Premium or Business Plan, the action bar can be hidden using custom CSS, but it cannot be disabled. It is a WordPress.com feature that exists on all WordPress.com sites. It disappears automatically if you scroll down on a site, and reappears if you scroll up.

    If you have posts published on your site, the action bar will include a follow button. If you don’t have any posts it won’t have the follow button, but it will still appear with the other options.


    You will need to go into WP Admin (bottom of left hand side menu)

    Get into Settings >> Reading

    Uncheck “Show follow button to logged out users.”

    That option has not existed on WordPress.com for quite some time.. Where exactly did you find that information?

    Please make sure that instructions you give to users are actually possible, and that you’re not providing outdated information.

  • Hello @hokkieh

    I took the information from @nagpai’s reply in this thread: https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/the-new-follow-bar

    Hi @thejasonwatts

    You will need to go into WP Admin (bottom of left hand side menu)

    Get into Settings >> Reading

    Uncheck “Show follow button to logged out users.”

    Somehow this option is not visible in the new admin, hence you will need to get into WP Admin

    I did not know the information is not available anymore. However, I found your reply, too and I realized that’s the current situation so that’s what I recommended above:

    We added that feature after receiving many requests for a way for logged out users to follow sites, and also for an easy way to log into the dashboard from a site’s front end. It actually bothered a significant number of users that there was no follow option for logged out visitors on mobile.

    We don’t arbitrarily add features on WordPress.com, but every new feature is the result of numerous requests, followed up by research and user testing and feedback. I’ve also already passed your feedback along to the developers about wanting the option to hide it. You’re not the first person who requested that, but no change in this feature will come until we’ve researched the overall impact of adding that option.

    Thank you for helping in this thread!

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