Email notifications of new posts not being received

  • I’ve just discovered several people I follow have posted new entries, and I’ve not received email notification.

    I’ve followed all of them for quite some time and always have received notification of new posts immediately. This seems to have been happening for about three days.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Other people are having the same problem. Today is the first day I’m aware of that my subscription e-mails haven’t gone out.

    Please see an earlier thread from this morning: “Two new posts but I’ve not had an email of them and I am subscribed.”

  • I’ve had the same problem. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find the earlier thread you mentioned, so I’ll share the details here instead.

    The article I posted yesterday is the only one that hasn’t gone out. Most of the time I write the post or copy it into WordPress and publish it the same day. Instead, I saved this post as a draft a few days ago; then yesterday, I just opened it, made a few tweaks, and clicked “Publish.” The article posted to the blog, and some of my followers say they received an email update, but most of them didn’t.

    I wrote up a test post alerting my readers of the problem and published that tonight. It seems like the notifications for this one have gone out successfully.

    I’m not sure if the delayed publishing had something to do with the problem. Thanks for your help.

    My blog:

  • Okay, I just found the thread you referred to and it seems like the problem has been fixed. Too bad I didn’t find that thread a few minutes earlier…

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