extra spaces on top of tables

  • I had an issue with adding tables to pages and the code editor. When i displayed the new page the table started about 20 lines down the page.

    I found that the code editor was adding <CODE><P></CODE> tags to the html for the page. i.e.

    <P></TR> …..

    I found if i removed all whitespace in the table html the p tags went away. Hope this helps any other users with the same issue.


  • Thanks for posting this. :)

  • Glad to share any helpful discoveries with the forum.

  • What is white space?

  • White space seems to be spaces in the code that aren’t necessary…

  • When i displayed the new page the table started about 20 lines down the page.

    The area above the table that is 20 empty lines was unwanted “white space”.

  • I think people basically have figured out what i was saying but to clarify it further:

    To define whitespace, it’s any space’s when your typing. either a full line (hitting the enter key) with nothing on it or the spaces you enter between word/characters (the space bar).

    In relation to the problem it was the spaces i entered when inputting the html code in the editor window to format it for myself (to be more readable for myself). formatting in the editor window should never modify the code for you.

    Entering this code in the editor:

    </TR> .....

    resulted in this code in the actual page:

    <P></TR> .....</TABLE>

    A clear editor bug, BTW. Can’t add <P> tags in the places the editor did, very bad form HTML and caused the extra space on top of the table.

    Entering the original code this way:

    <TABLE><TR><TD>....</TD></TR> .....</TABLE>

    solves the problem.

    Hope this helps.

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