"Gay pride" banner is inappropriate for our website

  • This “gay pride” banner promoting SSM has been splashed across our blogs without warning and without any obvious opt-out option.

    We are in complete support of free speech, but it is very undemocratic for a powerful organisation to subvert the message of individuals and small organisations who wish to express an alternative view.

    Please remove it immediately, or at least give an option to remove it.

    Thank you

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • @jefferykemp, their official response is “get lost”.

    Read for yourself:

    It’s time to leave and move on to self-hosting.

    Here is my blog on it: https://trumpetcallorg.wordpress.com/2017/09/02/moving-away-from-the-filthy-wordpress-com/

    I also sent an enquire to ACCC to check if this is a violation of false and misleading claims of ‘no ads’ on paid plans but advertising and supporting ssm using campaign. You can do the same by checking with ACCC. I am awaiting a reply from them.

  • It would have been preferable for them to give fair warning, so we can plan our move – instead of foisting it on us at the last second, with no option.

    It’s all perfectly legal, of course. It’s like a bus shelter ad company putting up a poster promoting the SSM “Yes” campaign – and then putting a big “No” or a cross or something on top of it. Imagine the uproar!

  • Agreed. The gay pride colour bar is inappropriate. As mentioned in wordpress’ official stance, they prefer pushing their own personal viewpoint and agenda than supporting users.

    I am voting with my feet. I am copying out my content and leaving at this moment.

  • The admins here are closing these threads pretty quickly as they “descend quickly into political arguments”, which is admin-speek for, “we don’t appreciate an opposing opinion”.

    As mentioned, my content is copied out and I’m gone.

    Best of the luck to the rest of you.

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