HELP! Argh… Cursor jumps to top after every edit…

  • Hello,

    Strange issue…. after making every edit to update a post, the cursor jumps back to the very top as soon as my arrow cursor touches any of the formatting options, e.g. bold, ital, etc.

    For example, I want to make the first word in the 5th paragraph bold. I scroll down to the word… highlight it… then move my cursor to select the “B” in the toolbar. As soon as it touches the “B”, the text of the post in the window jumps all the way to the top. This means I need to scroll all the way back down… find the word I was formatting in order to see if the boldfacing “took”… and then do the same for every single edit. Up down, up down, up down. Argh.

    Any ideas, anyone?

    Thank you!

  • You could try this increasing the number of lines in the post box
    > Dashboard> Settings > Writing
    Writing Settings
    Size of the post box ___lines
    “Save Changes”

  • If that doesn’t work then I’m wondering if it could be browser related. Tess also mentioned this happening to her in the HTML editor. You could also try closing browser, clearing cache, and cookies and restarting, and logging in again.

  • Thanks TimeThief… expanding the box seemed to work. I wish the formatting toolbar would float so the up/down scrolling could be eliminated. But thanks for the suggestion. It’s a definite help!


    P.S. I notice you answer most of the question here. You’re a WordPress wizard! ;-)

  • Ah, yes. I’m not certain what causes that for me. I should be more scientific when this happens: but I’m not sure what to test?

    This has been happening in the last week or so.

    I’ve been downloading largish files, listening to streaming audio, checking emails in several places, chatting, many browser windows open. But then, the cursor does not jump around in places other than WordPress.

    Wonder how many other people have noticed this? Don’t really know why it happens…

  • Oh, and my editing window / box is large.

  • @Drew
    You’re welcome .

    Hmmm … I still haven’t recovered from my last wrestling match with the visual editor.

  • This jump thing happens only sometimes (and only lately) in both visual editor and html editors…

    besides the curly quotes, there is more:
    in the html editor (for the past week plus??) the codes for 1/2 and 1/4 don’t work unless you switch to the visual editor and back to html. It was not like this before.
    Type these into html without spaces:
    & frac12 ; and & frac14;
    I get just the code when I preview or publish, unless I switch to Visual, then back to html. Voila: the fractions are rendered properly.
    There are other oddities as well.

  • Just seeing the words “curly quotes” almost set my blood pressure on the rise … ararggghhh!

    I hope you are keeping notes and that we can find the correct person to take these weirdnesses to for correction.

  • I suspect these are side-effects of some sort of staff tinkering. I have mentioned these things in the forums a couple of times recently.

    (I’ve also been invisible, yet again. even w/o any links. then 8 or more hours go by and I get an email that my comment was removed from spam. You have probably noticed that I’ve not posted here much lately so that’s not why I get spammed either. Must be just the number in front of my username, or bad luck. My luck in general has not been great…)

  • Invisible? I’m also getting that a lot lately…

  • I have become invisible in threads where I posted a single links and in others where I posted no links at all. Staff do respond to the emails I send and make my comments visible though. :(

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