How can I get my domain name back?

  • Hi there,

    I recently decided to re-use an old blog (called dejtoday) that I made last summer and had abandoned.
    I’m now trying to set up a photography business and would like to use a blog as a means for a portfolio.
    I changed my blog name and URL to, and went to start a new post. However, it said I did not have a blog under my name, though on another window I had open, it said I had bethanysmithphotography as my URL. I looked around and around to find out what had happened, but in the end, as it said I did not have a blog, I decided to delete it all and start again. In all this confusion, I have now found that I cannot get the URL I had back again. Is it possible to reclaim it at all? “Bethany Smith Photography” is the name under which I will be working, so it is important that I use that as my URL in whichever blog host I use.

    In the meantime, I have set up in order to use the site for this.

    I’m sorry for my own confusion, I’m really new to all this!
    I would really appreciate some help, though.

    Many thanks,
    Bethany Smith

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you deleted a site like then that is gone forever. See here.
    If you want to purchase a domain – – use the WordPress domain purchase.
    Does that help? I tried to answer broadly because I had trouble deciphering your immediate problem. Feel free to post again if this didn’t address your question.

  • Thanks for the response. Think I’m confused myself :) But that did answer the question that I was asking.

    Is there any way to contact someone who can reclaim it? I don’t understand if I already had a blog set up why it told me I didn’t when I went to create a post..

  • Nothing you say makes any sense. If you didn’t have a blog how did you manage to delete it? You cannot get the URL back if you have indeed deleted it.

  • I was signed in as my username, but it said I had no blogs.
    It made no sense to me either to be honest!

  • Not sure what you were seeing, but if you managed to delete a blog then you must have had a blog, that’s logic!! If you give us the full URL of the blog in question we can see if it’s alive and well. If it’s deleted then you can’t get it back and will have to go another route i.e. purchase a domain.

  • is the address I had.

    Thanks for your help anyway.

  • is the address I had.

    Thanks for your help anyway.

  • It’s definitely deleted. You can’t get it back as was stated to you when you went through the deletion process.

  • I would suggest you register any old address, and then get the Custom Domain and Mapping upgrades, so your blog looks more businesslike.

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