Need to change order of posts to not be chronological

  • Hi. I have never set up a blog before and just began last night.
    My blog can be found at
    I plan to use this as a research tool. I will be studying a schloarly work and summarizing what I learn.
    I would like to have one Tab put things in Order of Chapter and verse and a separate tab put things in alphabetical order of Topics

    My problem is that the default is according to date posted. I have searched online and perhaps there is an easy solution but what I am seeing online discusses changing codex in a php file.

    I have no idea how to even go near the php file. Is that only for the version you purchase and have as software on your own computer? The free version I am using doesn’t seem to let me edit thoat file or even know where it is.

    When searching for a solution I kept seeing advice to go to Administration>Themes …etc.
    Is Administration the same as the dashboard? Or is that something that is only available in the vesion you pay for?

    Thanks in advance

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The instructions you refer to are only for self hosted installs and do not apply to your free hosted blog.

    Blogs are essentially a chronlogical publishing tool that display all posts on the blogs apage (by default the home page) in reverse chronological order and that order cannot be changed by bloggers on blogs. We do have the option of creating a book-like structure >

    Though there is only one dynamic page in a blog for posts and we cannot post to more than that one page, we can create the appearance that we have posted to more than one page. We organize posts by assigning Categories to them. When we publish a post the sotware automatically posts it to the Categories and/or Tags pages we have assigned to it. You can create a custom menu and add items of your own choice to it.

    Here’s a link to a custom menu walkthrough >

    There are many common errors, misunderstanding and misconceptions when creating custom menus and you can read about them here >

  • Since I’m really new to this, please allow me to ask a really basic question:

    If I purchase the $99 per year offer that appeared when I first set this up, I will then download the program, tweak the code to sort it as I need, and then upload somewhere and all will be good? All included in the $99?

  • No. There is no upgrade you can purchase form that allows you to edit templates and themes. There is no upgrade you can purchase that changes anything at all stated here > You need to hire a web host and set up a install to accomplish what you want to do.

  • I see. So IIUC, I would need to pay someone to host a space on the internet where I can upload the program that I can download for free. Is that what you were saying? (I’m VERY new to this)

    What about the theme? I really like the theme I’ve got using the free online version (Titan) Will I need to purchase that separately if I go the route or will it still come with the program?

  • and are completely separate.
    Here’s where you locate recommended web hosts >
    Here’s where you get a free install >
    Here’s where you locate themes for installs >

    Let me be clear about this. The correct answer to your question is that in order to do what you want to do you need to hire a web host and set up a WordPress.or install. However, as you do not know how to blog on WordPress software here at that path is not an easy one to take. You will be entirely on your own and responsible for all software, theme, plugin updates as well as dealing with all problems you may experience.

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