Problem with mp3 player and google analitycs

  • Hy,
    I try to insert an mp3 in a post without succes. Using [audio url] it seems to be a little obsolete becouse is always buffering. Any ideeas?
    In the meean time, I can’t insert the google analitycs code too. But it seems to be accepted in WP. How can I solve this?

  • Here’s the Google Analytics answer from the FAQ

    Can’t help with the audio issue, though. Sorry

  • Claudiu, need to know specifics please. The URL of the audio and a link to the post where you are using it at the very least. All we can do currently is guess.

  • I am having the very same problem: endless buffering. The site I’m trying to download–I guess that’s the term for linking to it–is There I simply upload my mp3 file, and they give me a link to reach it and another to delete it. So what’s the problem?

  • and they give me a link to reach it…

    does that link end with an .mp3 extension? something like:

    or does it look something like this:

    If is the latter, then you won’t be able to access it directly (play it).

    Having said that, It doesn’t have anything to do with the player nor It has to be with where you’re hosting your mp3 files. If the traffic is too high or they don’t accept direct connections to mp3 files from external sites, you’ll see it as always buffering. You might want to try using another hosting provider such as


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