Recent Posts and Blog Page

  • Hi,

    I was wondering if someone could help me. I need help. I would like to have my Recent Posts on my homepage but also have all the posts on a ‘Blogs’ page.
    I want this because with just the recent posts on the home page, the only way to return back to that (after visiting another page), is to retype the URL or press the ‘logo’/header text. If someone could please help me by telling me how to create a page for ALL Blog posts and display recent posts on my homepage.

    Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You’ve set your blog to private. You should temporarily switch to the middle privacy option – or at least tell us which theme you’re using.

  • I am using the Crafty theme.

  • Crafty is a conventional layout theme. If you haven’t set a static page as your front, then the blog front is the main posts page: it will display all your posts. It can load more posts automatically once you reach the bottom of the browser window, or via an “Older Posts” button if you don’t like the auto option.
    How many posts have you published?

  • I currently have less than 10 posts, but, the concern is how I get back to the recents posts page (homepage), after someone visits another page (contact). I know I can go retype the URL or press the header text, but some visitors might not know that, that is why I was wondering if I can have blogs on main page and also have them on a blogs tab in the navigation.

  • As I explained, your homepage doesn’t display your recent posts only, it displays all your posts, and the theme has a built-in Home link in its regular top menu. So, adding a “Blog” link would be redundant: it would link to the exact same page “Home” does. What you could do, if you think “Home” isn’t clear enough to some visitors, is create a custom menu and rename Home into Blog. For details on custom menus see this post of mine:

    Custom menus

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