Sidebar widget-title problem / twenty eleven

  • I sent off this request for help several days ago.
    I just want to pass on what I recently found while trying to solve this problem.
    When I go into custom fonts and enlarge the heading the widget headings also enlarge. So what happened by reducing the boldface heading to the size I want the widget-titles somehow also reduced.

    Below is my original description of the issue:

    The widget titles are quite small, not reflecting
    the 10px size that’s in the original css.
    When I enter a font size change in the css the widget-title
    still remains the same, illegible.
    Also none of the tags created on a post show up
    in the sidebar heading “TAGS”
    Thanks Howard

    .widget-title {

    In Search of the Miraculous, Give or Take

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Howard! It’s cool to post new things you find about an issue on the same thread where you originally reported it. To do that, just use the form at the bottom of that page.

    Here is the answer to your questions:

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