SUITS theme: Left Align Feature Image Next to Text? and Spacing between posts

  • Hi there- I’m working with the Suits Theme.

    1) I am wondering if there is a way to left align my feature images? I would like them to display to the left of the post title when appearing on my homepage Recent Posts feed.

    2) I’ve already managed to remove the lines between the posts in the recent posts feed using CSS (.hentry {border-bottom: 0 none;}) but now there is too much space between each post when scrolling down. Can I reduce this spacing using CSS as well?

    Any help would be appreciate. I’m a newbie! Thanks

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • 1) I am wondering if there is a way to left align my feature images? I would like them to display to the left of the post title when appearing on my homepage Recent Posts feed.

    I checked and the images next to posts on the home page look left-aligned to me, so it seems you may have already solved this.

    2) I’ve already managed to remove the lines between the posts in the recent posts feed using CSS (.hentry {border-bottom: 0 none;}) but now there is too much space between each post when scrolling down. Can I reduce this spacing using CSS as well?

    It looks like you sorted this out too. I see that you added the following custom CSS to adjust the spacing between posts:

    .hentry {
    	margin-bottom: 3em;
    .hentry {
    	padding: 0;

    Nice work!

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