Twenty Twelve theme ~ Caption problem

  • Hello, I’m really new to WordPress blogging but I found out one “bug” in Twenty Twelve theme I’m using and I’m big fan of.
    My site: is hosted at

    The problem:
    When I try to give to an image a Caption, it will align to left. (i tried align the image to right / left / center, nothing wrong with that but the Caption is alway on the left). I tried different themes like Twenty Eleven, Twenty Ten, Choco, Grey etc and in every one of them the caption was -in the box- and -centered-.
    in Twenty Twelve it’s -out of the box- and -align left-.
    Even html writing “align=”aligncenter”” didn’t help…

    PLEASE I know it’s a small thing which can by repaired in the matter of seconds, I don’t want to use a different theme, I really love Twenty Twelve.
    Can you please do something about it?

    With regards and nice holidays
    Jan Verner from Czech Republic

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Kind of changed the blog from Twenty Twelve to Choco for now.
    Because of the Caption alignleft thing :-(

  • I found out one “bug” in Twenty Twelve theme

    Perhaps it is something which bugs you, but the theme designer deliberately put code in to make image captions align left. There are folks who like their captions that way.

    You can change that if you want to purchase the CSS upgrade.

    Or you can change the caption one image at a time by inserting your images into this html code:

    <div class="wp-caption aligncenter" style="width:WIDTH_OF_PIC_PLUS_10px;">
    <p style="text-align:center;color:#757575;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-style:italic;margin-top:-20px;">TYPE YOUR CAPTION HERE</p>

    “WIDTH_OF_PIC_PLUS_10” means that if your picture is 500px wide, that number should be 510.

    Save the code snippet somewhere and you can re-use it whenever you need. Paste it into the html (text) editor and then add the details for the picture—the details to replace are in all caps in my code.

    Here is an explanation of where I learned this (the post is about twenty eleven but the code above is for twenty twelve):

    There is also this article if you are crazy for code:

    Changing the formatting of image captions

  • If it’s designers motive, so be it. I thought it isn’t.

    Thanks for the code. I will still prefer another theme in place of this modification.

  • You could try a group of non-breaking spaces inside a tag. Say...

    [caption id="" align="alignright" width="???"]<img alt="???" src="???" width="???" height="???" align="right" />     YOUR CAPTION HERE[/caption]

    Worked for me.

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