views counter statistics

  • Is the views counter statistics displayed in real time?
    I was following mine since early this morning, and it’s showing the same number.

    However during this few hours I received at least THREE comments from people who liked my post today.

    I would say that their “like” of my post would imply they did read the post since they liked it, but the views counter did NOT go up.

    So what’s the mystery here with this statistics?

  • You can have Likes without Views if people come to your blog through their Blog Reader.

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    Your followers can click “like” without reading your posts. Let’s pretend I am subscribed to your blog. You publish a post and it appears in my Reader. There are three ways I can “like” your post:
    1. I can click “like” button in my Reader above your post;
    2. Or I can click into the blog, read the post and click the “like” button;
    3. Or I can read your post on “Tag Surfer” can “like” them without actually visiting your site.

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