Why my blog start automatically connect to my status.net account

  • Hi, I didn’t set up any connection of my wordpress blog to either twitter, facebook or any other websites. It has been worked fine until recently it started automatically send new blogs message to my account at status.net. status.net is also a micro blogging site similar to twitter.com except it’s open sources. Since I have it connected to my twitter account, so same messages will be appeared on twitter as well. However, the connection message only send what I’ve written in the blog (normally only a few words), no link been sent, so no one except me understand what is the micro message talking about. I checked both my wordpress and status.net account if I accidentally setup the connection between these 2, and don’t find anything wrong. What could be other possible reasons caused this issue? Can anyone help? Thanks.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Is it possible that you have “publicize via Twitter” enabled and your twitter account is forwarding to status net?

    This is just a guess!

  • @tandava108 Noop, I double checked my setting, non of the connection for publishing including twitter has been enabled. My twits will not sync on status.net (as dents), but status.net dents will sync on twitter. It’s kind of like one way sync (connection) only, that’s why I think the problem is something wrong in between wordpress and status.net.

    Thanks for the help anyway.

  • This sounds very strange. I would contact support. Go to http://en.support.wordpress.com/contact/ and then search for something. The “contact” form only appears after you try to search.

    If they are experimenting with a status.net publicize feature and it has accidentally got activated they will want to know, some users of private blogs would not appreciate that.

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