Dashboard errors related to TalkTalk ISP issue

  • We’ve received a number of reports from WordPress.com users who are unable to access their Dashboard or otherwise log into their blogs. It appears many of these issues involve the UK internet service provider TalkTalk.

    We at WordPress.com will do what we can on our end to resolve this issue, but we also encourage users with TalkTalk to contact the ISP for further assistance.

    We will be monitoring the thread at https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/talk-talk-no-data-received-error for any further reports from users, and will post updates here and in that thread if we get any new information on our end.

  • According to user reports, it appears people on Opal Telecom (and possibly other UK ISPs) may also be affected by this issue.

    WordPress.com continues to investigate the problem and will keep you updated as we learn anything new.

  • Thanks for your continued patience.

    Access to WordPress.com is being blocked for TalkTalk customers. We have heard conflicting reports of if this is a technical error on TalkTalk’s end or due to a WordPress.com site being listed on an advisory list with the Internet Watch Foundation.

    We have been in contact with the IWF and have attempted contact with TalkTalk to confirm the origin of the block and resolve it as quickly as possible.

    We’ll post updates here as we have additional information.

  • The Open Rights Group was able to get to the bottom of this issue, and posted the following article. Hopefully this will clear up some of the confusion and alleviate ongoing concerns.

    Why WordPress bloggers were blocked by TalkTalk, and what it tells us about Internet filtering

  • As of today (March 12) the issue returned and you’ll likely have issues accessing your blog’s dashboard. Please read the comment at the top of the page to learn more about the situation. The issue applies to TalkTalk and BT Care users. As mentioned before, we encourage users to contact the ISP for further assistance.

    We’ll post updates here as we have additional information.

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